-Other Works-
Batteries and
Added Strip 12(04/3/01)

April 3, 2001

Added strip 12 of B and B. Fixed 4 links and added 6 pieces of fanart. I also added one award. Go see it all!!! I'll add some links next update.

March 29, 2001

Hi!! I have strip 11 of B and B!! Yay!! Ahem, anyway, I also have 2 chapters to Attachments. I consider those my best chapters and chapter 3 happens to be my longest chapter. How I got the patience to write that chapter, I have no idea. Have fun reading. Next time should be a fanart update and a link update, I'm not sure. Have a nice day ^_^.

March 25, 2001

Okay. One day early, I present strip 10 of Batteries and Bananas... in color. The next one is going to be on Thursday. Enjoy!!

March 23, 2001

Batteries and Bananas comes back on Monday. Well, I have at least a couple of strips. I should be doing a lot of uploading and stuff when I get back to my own computer. So expect new stuff on Monday.
I did update today, though. I have a new title pic for Batteries and bananas (in the comic section) plus I changed the size of the comic so that its smaller and faster to load. All the B and B strips. Enjoy!!

March 11, 2001

:) This is the little thing I was working on. Moving my site. Its so much easier to do stuff now (at least I how) Once I fully moved my links and stuff, I'll start updating. I do have stuff to update. You know, the usual, pictures, stories blah blah blah. Anyway, thanks for sticking with me ^_^.

Feb. 27, 01

Despite what you think, I did update the site before. I just didn't post it on the main page because the computer froze, I got pissed, ect. Anyway, I don't remember much of what I did... Hmmm... I am editing Attachments, a couple chapters at a time. I do have more chapters but I refuse to post them until they go through a beta. End of story. Anyway, I just added a new section called extras. It has, well, extras!! I have my smilies there along with awards and other stuff. As soon as I get my chapters back, I'll post them too. I have another story too, but I'm going to see how it goes with that one before posting it. ^_^ Bai!

Feb. 12, 01

Okay dokay. I added 6 new links which makes my link total now 40. I put all the guest works in another page and added 21 chapters to 'Saiyan Blood' (an update long overdue). I added one of my stories, 'Forged From Circumstance' on my fanfic page too. I have chapters for 'Attachments' but that isn't going to come until after my test this week because I want to get at least 1 or 2 strips for comics done. I should have everything sometime early this week. Peace!

Feb. 8, 01

Hi. I added 2 more pages to 'A Change in Heart'. I have a fanfic update on the side but I might wait until sometime after the weekend to update so I have not only a couple chapters, but a couple strips of comic. I'll probably work on only one page of ACiH and maybe a strip or two of B and B. Until then, enjoy the comics I have now. Bai!!

Feb. 2, 01

Hello there everyone. After a long (and seemingly endless) week of school, I could finally get back to this. Update was minimal today. I added 1 fanart, and fixed a lonk. I also started a new comic and posted 2 pages (not strips) of it. Its called 'A Change in Heart'. I also joined an ezboard communtiy and added a board. You could use this board to ask questions or whatever. I already started another page of the comic so I might post it this weekend, if life doesn't find me and take me away again ^_^.

January 27, 2001

2:30 AM. No, I don't have insomnia. I'm so tired that the room is spinning. But, unfortuanatly, my new dorm room ceiling is made of wood and the occupants upstairs assume that thier jumping on the beds and wrestling on the floor will help me sleep. You probably could sense my sarcasm dripping from every single word I say. Feh. Like I care. I'm tired. I'm pissed. And I can't see straight. I tried working on the fanfic page but it made me more dizzy. Go figure. Anyway, I usually do my best works when I'm pissed. That doesn't work well if I could barely see the screen because my eyes feel dizzy. Its a huge effort to do this but its something to do. Eh, I have to rant to someone...*tries to go to bed and get whatever sleep she could out of whatever was left in the night.

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I had over 2000 visiters last time. Lets try that again ^_^.

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